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16 Ways to increase cellular data speed on iPhone WRITTEN BY RACHEL NOVEMBER 11, 2022 6 MINUTE READ Slow data speed can be frustrating. Sites take too long to load, videos lag, and download is painfully slow. Thankfully, these issues are often temporary and can be caused by a weak signal or network congestion. Other times, it could be an issue with your carrier. Before you call them and get on their nerves, try some of these tips on how to make cellular data faster data on your iPhone. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT 1. Switch to LTE/4G or 5G If your carrier and device support it, switching to LTE/4G or 5G can significantly improve your cellular data speed. 5G, the newest network technology, offers the fastest data speeds.  Note that if you have an older phone, it might not be able to support these data speeds. Also, you’d need the following to be able to use 5G on your iPhone: an iPhone 12 or later iOS 16.2 or later a carrier that supports 5G, along with a 5G cellular data plan Activate 5

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