6월, 2021의 게시물 표시

nexus 7 model


gapps error70

Using GApps config.txt In this method we will create a new GApps configuration text fileand then we will copy it in zip file of GApps. To do so, follow the given steps Create a text file, on your computer. Name the text file as  gapps-config . Open  gapps-config  in any text editor, and write the following lines Exclude Books Exclude Slides Exclude Sheets Exclude Keyboard Google Exclude Messenger Exclude PixelIcons Exclude Dialer Google Exclude ExchangeGoogle Exclude PlayGames Exclude VRService Exclude PixelLauncher Exclude CloudPrint Exclude Docs Exclude NewsWidget Exclude Camera Google Exclude Google Contacts Exclude Keep Exclude Hangouts Exclude Fitness Exclude Chrome Exclude Earth Save the changes. Now, copy the GApps Zip-file into your computer. Extract it using your favorite archiver. Copy the  gapps-config  text file in the extracted folder. Zip the  GApps  file again. Now, Install the  gapps.zip  file from the TWRP recovery. This method has resolved the erro

v30 unlock bootloader

#1 THIS THREAD IS FOR KOREAN VARIANT LG V30 TO GET THE SIGNAL MODEL SUPPORTED : V300S, V300L V300K FOLLOW THE GUIDE BELOW AND DONT MESS UP. DONT DO ANY EXTRA STEP THAT IS NOT MENTION HERE. WE WILL NOT HOLD ANY RESPONSIBLE IF YOUR DEVICE GO INTO WORLD WAR OR BOOM OR BRICK OR WHATEVER. THANKS TO :  @TxanMoe  to found out how to root for most lgv30 :  @ChazzMatt  to guide everyone on the main thread :  @bilong9  to help Korean variant to get signal back :  @darkidz555  to whatever haha To everyone if I forget mention please let me know You need to enter the different boot menus (mainly factory data reset menu and fastboot menu) many times, so I just have notes here on the top of how it should happen - Download mode How to enter : Device power is off, hold volume up -> insert usb cable -> should go to download mode - Factory data reset menu Hold Power button and volume down button when boot starts. After some seconds (when phone vibrates or LG logo is visible) let go of power button